Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter

From: "Fundamental Baptist Church Notifications" <>
Subject: Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter
Date: September 20th 2017


Weekly Newsletter





Our Address line

207 W Jefferson
P.O. Box 99
Palmer, TX 75152
Phone: (972) 449-3265

Weekly Schedule line

Sunday Worship Serivces
10:45 am | 6:30 pm

Sunday School
9:45 am

Wednesday Service
7:00 pm
Click here
to see all of the different
classes offered



Sunday School 144
Morning Service 163
Evening Service 85
Wednesday 116


General Fund $4,433.10
Faith Promise Missions$1,958.00
Total Offering$6,391.10

Bus Attendance:



46th Annual Faith Promise Mission Conference!
The Month of September

The Lord gave us a wonderful day in His House on the Lord’s Day! Missionaries Kelle and Tammy Hein (Mexico) was with us all day Sunday. I have been teaching the Adult Sunday School Class and preaching in the Morning Services throughout the month. I believed the Lord led me to have Bro. Kelle teach a combine Sunday School with the teens and up and to preach in both services. I believed the Lord was in it after listening to the Sunday School Lesson and both messages in the AM and PM services. God really used Bro. Kelle to speak to our hearts in all the messages. If you missed last Sunday, YOU missed a real blessing! Desiree Hill followed the Lord in baptism! To God be the Glory!

Our 47th Annual Faith Promise Mission Conference goes throughout the month of September. Here is the remaining schedule for the month:

September 20th ...Missionaries Jerry & Ruthmary Abbott (Manna Worldwide) PM
September 24th...Faith Promise Sunday (AM) Candlelight Service (PM)

Missionaries Jerry and Ruthmary Abbott (MANNA Worldwide) are our last Missionaries for the conference. The Abbotts have been our Missionaries since 1991. They served in Hungary for 14 years with the BBFI and the last six years serving with MANNA Worldwide as European Director. Bro. Jerry will be reporting to the church. Don’t miss the Wednesday Evening Service.

It is hard to believe this coming Sunday, September 24th is “Faith Promise Sunday.” I hope you have been praying about what the Lord wants you to give toward Missions this coming year. This is an opportunity to live the Mission Conference Theme: “Let Your Light So Shine...” Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Please pray for “Faith Promise Sunday” on September 24th in the AM Service. Pray about what you will give toward missions per week this next year. Pray about getting involved and giving more this year. It is very important that you put the amount on your Faith Promise Offering Card by WEEK. Even if you are giving it every other week or by month or by once a year, figure the amount by weeks on your card. The yearly total Faith Promise Goal will be figured by the WEEKLY offering amount on the cards. Your Faith Promise Card shows the amount by WEEK. This will help the total offering to be correct and the percentage that comes in to be accurate. The FAITH PROMISE OFFERING will determine what we will be able to do in our Mission Program. Pray we will be able to add new Missionaries this year and help with special offerings where Missionaries need help.

Please remember to pray for all those on the “Church Prayer List! Also, remember those affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma victims. We have been collecting needed items at our Children’s Life Center for those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Neva and I love you very much! Hope to see you in the services.

Your Pastor,Bro. Gary

Altar Results

Desarae Hill

Matt Cearnal
By Letter

Victoria Cearnal
By Letter

Kyle Cearnal
By Letter

Luke Cearnal
By Letter

Morgan Cearnal

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday Services:
9:45 AM Sunday School
We 10:45AM Worship Service
Choir Practice: 5:00PM
Evening Service: 6:30PM
Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM
Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM

September 20th - Missionaries Jerry & Ruthmary Abbott (Manna Worldwide)
September 24th - Faith Promise Sunday (AM) Candlelight Service (PM)
November 5th - Shawn Drewett PM







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