Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter

From: "Fundamental Baptist Church Notifications" <>
Subject: Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter
Date: December 13th 2017


Weekly Newsletter





Our Address line

207 W Jefferson
P.O. Box 99
Palmer, TX 75152
Phone: (972) 449-3265

Weekly Schedule line

Sunday Worship Serivces
10:45 am | 6:30 pm

Sunday School
9:45 am

Wednesday Service
7:00 pm
Click here
to see all of the different
classes offered



Sunday School 162
Morning Service 171
Evening Service 73
Wednesday 114


General Fund $5,172.00
Faith Promise Missions$2,037.75
Total Offering$7,209.75

Bus Attendance:



“Mary Did You Know”
Christmas Musical
Dec. 24, 2017 AM

The Lord blessed us with another wonderful day in the Lord’s House on the Lord’s Day! The attendance was good as well as the offerings. I preached a message entitled, “Away in a Manger” in the Morning Service. We were blessed by one of our Missionaries, Allen Ketel who stopped by to say “hi” and “thank you.” We have been supporting Bro. Allen to Russia for eleven years. It was so good to see him. He was going to show us his Video, but it wasn’t on his thumb-drive. We were able to show it from YouTube in the Evening Service. I preached a message I called, “Paul’s Christmas to the Philippians” (Philippians 2:5-11) in the Evening Service.

The Children’s Program entitled, “The Colors of Christmas” will be this Sunday, December 17th at 6:30pm. The Choir will present the Christmas Musical entitled, “Mary Did You Know” on December 24th in the Morning Service. We will have a Special Christmas Eve Service for our boys and girls on December 24th at 6:30pm. We are having a “New Year’s Service” on December 31st. We will start at 6:30pm with a service in the Auditorium and then go over to the Family Life Center for food and fellowship. Bring a pot of chili, stew or soup and finger desserts. Bring your dominos and other table games etc. You can stay as long as you want or until 12 midnight. Plan to attend all the services and bring someone with you. It is hard to believe 2017 will be history and a New Year 2018 is almost here!

Please pray for those on our “Church Prayer List.” Remember, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season.” Neva and I love you very much!

Your Pastor,

P.S. Don’t forget to be PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY tonight at 7:00pm. I am teaching a series on “The Six Miracles of Calvary.” Tonight is # 4, “The Miracle of the Opened Graves.” Kid’s Kids in the Children’s Life Center, Teens in the Family Life Center and Adults in the Auditorium. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY!

Altar Results

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday Services:
9:45 AM Sunday School
We 10:45AM Worship Service
Choir Practice: 5:00PM
Evening Service: 6:30PM
Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM
Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM

December 17th - Children's Christmas Program "The Colors of Chirstmas - 6:30PM
December 24th - Christmas Musical �Mary Did You Know�
December 31st - New Year�s Eve Service (PM)
March 11th - Tracy Dart family (AM)
June 18-22nd - Sr. Camp (Cost $200.00)
July 16th-20th - Jr. Camp (Cost $200.00)







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