Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter

From: "Fundamental Baptist Church Notifications" <>
Subject: Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter
Date: February 14th 2018

Weekly Newsletter

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Our Address

207 W Jefferson
P.O. Box 99
Palmer, TX 75152
Phone: (972) 449-3265

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Worship Serivces
10:45 am | 6:30 pm

Sunday School
9:45 am

Wednesday Service
7:00 pm



Sunday School 124
Morning Service 143
Evening Service 73
Wednesday 111


General Fund $3,874.63
Faith Promise Missions$2,046.00
Total Offering$5,920.00

Bus Attendance:


Altar Results









Missionary Greg Lyons
Feb. 14, 2018 (PM)

Well, it is winter and we had some sleet last Sunday. It came down during the Morning Service and by afternoon it was gone. I call it Texas weather. “If you don’t like it, just wait, it will change.” We also have several of our folks with health problems which have kept them from being in church. Please remember them in your prayers. I know, because they have expressed their desire to be in church and miss it so much. I preached a message entitled, “Good Grief” in the Morning Service. There are times when “Grief” (sorrow) can be good. “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” (II Corinthians 7:10) The evening service message was “The Providence of God.” (Romans 8:26-28) The main point to the message the providence of God brings assurance. GOD IS IN CONTROL!

By the way, you can now go to the church Website: and listen to the messages. Go to the home page and follow the instructions. We have all the messages and lessons from the Adult Sunday School Class by date. These go back to January to the present. Select and listen!

Many of our folks will get this Newsletter via e-mail. Missionary Greg Lyons (Philippines) will be with us tonight, Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 7PM. The church has supported the Lyons family since 1986. We support his two sons, Corey and Luke. We support his Son in Law, Marc Buxton also. Bro. Greg will be giving the church a report of the ministry. Don’t miss it!

Sunday, February 18, 2018 is “PROVE YOUR LOVE SUNDAY.” This is the Sunday following Valentine’s Day. Let’s “PROVE” how much we love the Lord by being in His House worshiping Him!

Last Wednesday February 7, 2018, I started a series of messages on “The Seven Beatitudes of Revelation.” I will resume next Wednesday with Number Two in the series. Don’t miss these studies!

Please continue to pray for all those on our “Church Prayer List.” Neva and I love you very much and hope to see you in the services.

Your Pastor,Bro. Gary

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday Services:
9:45 AM Sunday School
We 10:45AM Worship Service
Choir Practice: 5:00PM
Evening Service: 6:30PM
Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM
Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM

February 14th - Missionary Greg Lyons Philippines @ 7PM
February 17th...Adult Valentine Banquet
March 11th - Tracy Dart family (AM)
June 18-22nd - Sr. Camp (Cost $200.00)
July 16th-20th - Jr. Camp (Cost $200.00)






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