| Our Address 207 W Jefferson P.O. Box 99 Palmer, TX 75152 Phone: (972) 449-3265 Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship Serivces 10:45 am | 6:30 pm Sunday School 9:45 am Wednesday Service 7:00 pm
Report Attendance: Sunday School | 122 | Morning Service | 161 | Evening Service | 80 | Wednesday | 103 | Offerings: General Fund | $7,013.30 | Faith Promise Missions | $2,843.00 | Total Offering | $9,856.30 | Bus Attendance: Kenneth | 7 | James/Patrick/Nancy | 10 | Ricardo | 2 | Total | 19 | | “Father’s Day” June 17, 2018 AM  I don’t know how to describe Sunday except by saying it was “bitter/sweet.”It was “bitter” because one of our church family, Everett Robinson went home to be with his Lord on Friday Morning. There was an empty seat in our services. It’s “sweet” because we know Bro. Everett is in Heaven because He knew the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior.The Lord knew all about it because we had Missionary Joel Haynes (Navajo Nation) with us in the Morning Service. Folks, God knew just what we needed! What a wonderful and needy message Bro. Joel preached! I encourage you to go the church web-site and listen to this great message. Sunday Evening I encouraged our Church Family with the Word of God. The Apostle Paul wrote in the first letter to the church at Thessalonica a message of “comfort.” They had their loved ones die and Paul answered their questions in light of the coming of the Lord. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (I Thessalonians 4:18) The Christian’s hope of the resurrection brings a special comfort in the face of death. It is called “blessed hope.” “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) We had a “celebration” of the life of Everett Robinson Monday afternoon in the church. The song writer put it this way, “Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet again at Jesus’ feet...”Please pray for Nancy and all the family!
Sunday, June 17 2018 is “Father’s Day. We have a gift for every Father and Man present. It is a “High intensity clip on board COB LED light” with a “magnetic disk” at the bottom. Don’t forget, we will have an “all men’s choir” in the Morning Service. This is always a special blessing! Let’s honor our Fathers by being present!
Neva and I are going on vacation this coming Saturday and returning the following Saturday. Bro. Bill McCarty will be teaching my Sunday School Class, Bro. James Smith preaching in the AM Service, Bro. Matt Cearnal preaching in the PM Service and Bro. Louie McElhaney preaching in the Wednesday Evening Service. I will have my phone if you need anything, and Bro. James will be here in my absence. It will do your Pastor good to hear the attendance was good while he’s gone. Pray for us and I plan on being back in the pulpit on Father’s Day.
Please pray for all those on our “Church Prayer List.”The “Church Prayer List” is available in the foyer. There are so many who need our prayers! GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!
Your Pastor, Bro. Gary
 Sunday Services: 9:45 AM Sunday School We 10:45AM Worship Service Choir Practice: 5:00PM Evening Service: 6:30PM Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM June 18-22nd - Sr. Camp (Cost $200.00) July 16th-20th - Jr. Camp (Cost $200.00) July 30-August 3 - VBS �Camp MOOSE On The Loose� 9:30-Noon, Ages 4-14 | | |