| Our Address 207 W Jefferson P.O. Box 99 Palmer, TX 75152 Phone: (972) 449-3265 Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship Serivces 10:45 am | 6:30 pm Sunday School 9:45 am Wednesday Service 7:00 pm
Report Attendance: Sunday School | 134 | Morning Service | 181 | Evening Service | 70 | Wednesday | 113 | Offerings: General Fund | $5,977.35 | Faith Promise Missions | $1,927.00 | Total Offering | $7,904.35 | Bus Attendance: Kenneth | 11 | James/Patrick/Nancy | 8 | Ricardo | 0 | Total | 19 | 6/17/18 Jacob Cisneros Salvation & for Baptism 6/17/18 Miguel Lopez Salvation & for Baptism | “Father’s Day” Wonderful Service  Neva and I had a wonderful vacation but we are glad to be home. I want to thank Bro. Bill McCarty, Bro. James Smith, Bro. Matt Cearnal and Bro. Louie McElhaney for filling the pulpit in my absence. Sunday we honored our Fathers and it was a wonderful service. It has been a custom for several years to have a “Men’s Choir” on Father’s Day. It was exciting to see the choir filled from wall to wall with men of the church. If I counted right, we had 44 men counting myself in the Choir loft. They did a great job singing two songs: “Onward Christian Soldiers” and “Victory in Jesus.” I understand someone got it on video and is posted on Face book. Thank you guys for participating! We gave all the Men present a “High intensity clip on board COB LED light” with a “magnetic disk” at the bottom. I preached a message entitled, “I want to be like my Heavenly Father” in the Morning Service. I preached a message entitled, “A Picture of Our Heavenly Father.” The best part of the day was having two boys saved in our Jr. Church. Please pray for Miguel Lopez and Jacob Cisneros.
Our Sr. Campers left for Timberline Baptist Youth Camp in Lindale, TX on Monday Morning and returning on Friday afternoon. We had 17 campers and 6 counselors attend camp. Pray they will have a good time. Pray souls will be saved and surrendered lives.
Please pray for all those on our “Church Prayer List.” The “Church Prayer List” is always available in the foyer. There are so many who need our prayers! GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!
Your Pastor, Bro. Gary Sunday Services: 9:45 AM Sunday School We 10:45AM Worship Service Choir Practice: 5:00PM Evening Service: 6:30PM Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM June 18-22nd - Sr. Camp (Cost $200.00) July 16th-20th - Jr. Camp (Cost $200.00) July 30-August 3 - VBS �Camp MOOSE On The Loose� 9:30-Noon, Ages 4-14 | | |