| Our Address 207 W Jefferson P.O. Box 99 Palmer, TX 75152 Phone: (972) 449-3265 Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship Serivces 10:45 am | 6:30 pm Sunday School 9:45 am Wednesday Service 7:00 pm
Report Attendance: Sunday School | 144 | Morning Service | 187 | Evening Service | 65 | Wednesday | 125 | Offerings: General Fund | $6,613.15 | Faith Promise Missions | $2,679.00 | Total Offering | $9,292.15 | Bus Attendance: Kenneth | 8 | James/Patrick/Nancy | 11 | Ricardo | 3 | Total | 22 | 8/5/18 Aleigha McGuyer Salvation & for Baptism 8/5/18 Mackenzie Marusak Baptized 8/5/18 Wyatt McElhaney Baptized | “One Salvation & Two Baptized!” Vacation Bible School: 23 Salvations!  We had a wonderful day in the Lord’s House on the Lord’s Day! We just missed that 200 mark by 13 people. Hopefully, folks have gotten their vacations done and back in their place. Also, those who have been affected with health problems will get well. We had “Vacation Bible School Sunday.” I showed some 170 pictures of the activities during VBS in the Morning Service. We had our Boys and Girls in our service to sing and Bro. James Smith did one of the closing messages during the week of VBS. The most exciting thing was seeing 23 precious souls saved and 1 for assurance. One of the girls, Aleigha McGuyer, came forward for baptism. We gave “Thank You” cards to all the workers of VBS. We could not have done it without the workers. I preached a message entitled, “A True Witness” in the Evening Service. “A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.” (Proverbs 14:25)We are thankful that Mackenzie Marusak and Wyatt McElhaney followed the Lord in baptism! It was so wonderful to see the baptismal waters stirred! I didn’t make a big deal about it, but Sunday marked the 35years the Lord has allowed me to be Associate Pastor and Pastor of Fundamental Baptist Church. I was 32 year old when I came to Palmer and now I am 67 years old. Over half my life has been with the sweetest people on the earth. I also got a year older last week and the church gave me a love offering for my birthday. THANK YOU!
I have started two new series in the Adult Sunday School Class and Wednesday Services.In the Adult Sunday School class a series entitled, “The Life and Labors of the Apostle Paul.”In the Wednesday Evening Services a series I am calling, “What’s in a Name?” The Bible calls us by different names and we will go through them one by one in the Wednesday Evening. We have looked at the name “Christians”, “Saints” and “Sons.”Be sure not to miss any of these two series of messages!
Please pray for all those on our “Church Prayer List.” There are so many in our Church Family going through some serious health problems and they need our prayers very much. Neva and I love you!
Your Pastor, Bro. Gary
Sunday Services: 9:45 AM Sunday School We 10:45AM Worship Service Choir Practice: 5:00PM Evening Service: 6:30PM Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM | | |