West Coast Baptist College Vessels of Honor—Concert/ Dr. Mark Rasmussen January 13, 2019 6:30pm Well,we are in a New Year—2019. My wife told me that I said, “2016” once while I was preaching last Sunday. I am really behind! The Lord gave us a good day Sunday in spite of folks sick, out of town and just absent. The offering were good in both the General Fund and Faith Promise Missions. I preached a message entitled, “A Journey Unknown” in the Morning Service.“...that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore...that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.”(Joshua 3:4, 7) The Songwriter put it this way, “Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand.” Yes, 2019 is a journey unknown, but we KNOW the Lord will be with us every step of the way!Everyone present last Sunday got a “Personalized 2019 Pocket Calendar.” I hope it will be blessing and every time you use it, pray for the church and each other. There are a few calendars left over,so ask one of the ushers for a calendar if you did not get one. I preached a message entitled, “2019—A Year of Stewardship” in the Evening Service. We are to be good stewards of our TIME, TALENT and TREASURE. I emphasized “Treasure” in the message. “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”(I Corinthians 4:2)
We are having Dr. Mark Rasmussen and “Vessels of Honor” this Sunday, January 13, 2019 in the Evening Service. They represent the West Coast Baptist Collegein California.The “Vessels of Honor”will be singing and Dr. Mark will be speaking. “Vessels of Honor” are four ladies who are students who travel singing and representing the college. Dr. Mark Rasmussen is the Vice President at West Coast Baptist College. He and his wife, Suza, have been at WCBC for the past 20 years. WCBC is a greatBible College training Men and Women to serve the Lord in many different ministries. Don’t miss this service!
Be sure to get a “Church Prayer List!”and PRAY!Neva and I love you very much and we are excited about the New Year. It is ajoy to serve the Lord with such wonderful people!
Your Pastor, Bro. Gary
Sunday Services: 9:45 AM Sunday School We 10:45AM Worship Service Choir Practice: 5:00PM Evening Service: 6:30PM Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM |