Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter

From: "Fundamental Baptist Church Notifications" <>
Subject: Fundamental Baptist Church Weekly Newsletter
Date: February 13th 2019

Weekly Newsletter

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Our Address

207 W Jefferson
P.O. Box 99
Palmer, TX 75152
Phone: (972) 449-3265

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Worship Serivces
10:45 am | 6:30 pm

Sunday School
9:45 am

Wednesday Service
7:00 pm



Sunday School 126
Morning Service 157
Evening Service 75
Wednesday 101


General Fund $3,200.00
Faith Promise Missions$1,417.00
Total Offering$4,617.00

Bus Attendance:


Altar Results










Dr. Al Reichman
February 17, 2019; S.S., AM &PM
Passover Demonstration (PM)

It was so good to see some of our folks who were sick back in Church Sunday. But, there were others who were out because of sickness. Please pray everyone will be well by next Sunday! I preached on the subject, “First Love” in the Morning Service. Jesus said to the church at Ephesus, “I know thy works: and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars. And hast borne, and has patience, and for my name’s sake hast labored, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.”(Revelation 2:2-4) Jesus did not say they had lost their first love but they had LEFT their first love. What is first love? First love is love that puts the Lord first! Three things to go back to your first love: (1) Remember, (2) Repent and (3) Repent. “Remember therefore from whence thou are fallen, and repent, and do the first works...”(Revelation 2:5).I preached a message entitled, “For their rock is not as our Rock.” Moses wrote a song he gave Israel before they entered Canaan, the Promised Land. The theme of the song was the “ROCK.” I told the folks, “Moses wrote a Rock Song.” Six times Moses refers to the “Rock.” Our Lord Jesus Christ is our “Rock!” The Rock of our Salvation, the Rock of our Foundation, the Rock our Security, the Rock of our Refuge...The Solid Rock! We sang the song, “The wise man built his house upon the ROCK...”

I am excited to haveDr. Al Reichman, “Ahavath Messiah Ministry”with us Sunday, February 17, 2019 in the Sunday School, AM and PM Services. Dr. Al comes from a long line of orthodox rabbis. His paternal grandfather, orthodox rabbi, immigrated to the United States from Austria. He has spent 17 years in pastoral ministry, and has been serving the Lord in Jewish ministry since 1997. In 2013, the Lord led Dr. Al to launch Ahavath Messiah Ministries. “Ahavath” in Hebrew that means “Love of Messiah.” He is no stranger to Fundamental Baptist Church. We support his ministry on a monthly basis through our Faith Promise Mission Program. Dr. Al continues to labor to bring the Gospel to Jewish people and will encourage us as a church to do the same. He will be taking Question during the Sunday School about the Middle-East, Israel and today’s events. He will be preaching a message that God’s lays on his heart in the Morning Service. Dr. Al will be presenting a “Passover Demonstration” in the Evening Service. You will be amazed to see that the Passover points to our Lord. “Purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed.”(I Corinthians 5:7) Invite someone to attend the services with you!

Be sure to get a “Church Prayer List!” and PRAY! Neva and I love you very much!

Your Pastor,
Bro. Gary

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday Services:
9:45 AM Sunday School
We 10:45AM Worship Service
Choir Practice: 5:00PM
Evening Service: 6:30PM
Men and Ladies Prayer Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Bus Workers Meeting - Sundays @ 6:00 PM
Ladies Visitation - Wednesdays @ 10:00 AM
Church Visitation - Thursdays @ 7:00 PM

Nursery Schedule






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